0845 388 0584
0845 388 0584


Video of Bubbah

Video 1

ASP ref: ASP944A

Name: Fred

Species: Conure

Description: Meet Bubbah, my confident and sweet conure! 🦜 She loves being out of her cage and will happily spend the evening on my knee watching TV, as long as she’s getting head scratches. Bubbah adores attention and will give you a kiss (or ten) if you ask for one. She also enjoys snuggling in the sleeve of my dressing gown before bed. Her favourite spot is on my grey’s cage, much to their dismay. Bubbah’s diet includes seeds, pellets, and fresh fruits and veggies, with walnuts being her absolute favourite snack. Life is so much fun with Bubbah around!

 Cage: Yes but need a bigger one

Location: Essex CM77 8FX

Donation fee: £75

You will need to be a Gold Star Member to adopt any of the parrots from ASP. (Currently £80)

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Please give the ASP for the bird you would like to adopt.

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