0845 388 0584
0845 388 0584



Re-homing and Welfare Director

Hello my name is Dan. I’d had a love for animals all of my life, as a child I had dogs, then from my early twenties I started to keep parrots. having had experience of caring for many different species from Parakeets and Conures, to African Greys and Amazons through to Macaws.
I bought my first Blue and Gold Macaw as a baby, I was under the impression a baby would be ‘easier’ and less ‘problematic’ than a rescue bird. How wrong was I? I soon became his adopted dad, teaching him everything he knows today.

Shortly afterwards I joined a parrot charity social media group to help me educate myself from like minded people, I very soon became a welfare officer, and not long after became a director of the charity and dealt with the rehoming of all the birds in its care.


I rescued my first Macaw in 2014, and he turned my world upside down, he taught me about geriatric care in older birds, plucking, over bonded to humans, hormonal behaviors’ to name a few. I was not his ‘chosen one’ and I have scares still to prove this! Sadly, six months was all we had with the old boy before he sadly passed due to a terminal illness. He taught me everything I now know about rescue and why I am so passionate about finding the best home for the birds in our care.

I have years of experience with different species of birds, and associated captive behaviours from plucking, screaming, over bonding and aggressive feisty birds.

I am now a member of the flock along with my baby Macaw and a Green Wing Macaw.
It is very rare I get any spare time, but when I do I enjoy spending it with the flock, my partner and going on relaxing holidays around the world. One day I hope to open a parrot sanctuary in a hot country somewhere – we can all dream!



Advertising / PR Director and Events Manager

Hello my name is Martin. I’m one of the team at all star parrots, I grew up around birds as a child, mainly aviary Canaries and budgies. I have kept my own parrots for the past 4 years. I bought my first Blue and Gold Macaw as a baby, I was under the impression a baby would be ‘easier’ and less ‘problematic’ than a rescue bird. How wrong was I?

Shortly afterwards I joined a parrot rescue charity social media group to help me educate myself from like minded people, I very soon became a welfare officer. This role meant my learning of all things parrot, diet, enrichment, illness and so on soon grew, as did my confidence in handling different species. I have had many species of birds in my care whilst in this charity from budgies, to African Greys, Amazons and Cockatoos.

I rescued my first Macaw in 2014, and he turned my world upside down, he taught me about geriatric care in older birds, plucking, over bonded to humans, hormonal behavior’s to name a few. Most importantly he taught me about rescue, the importance of finding the right home at the best time, how years of turmoil can be turned around in to unconditional love.

Sadly, we only had six months together before he had to go over rainbow bridge, which destroyed me. But this is why I love being part of making a difference to captive parrots. This is his legacy.

I am now owned by my baby Blue and Gold and a young Green Wing Macaw. The terrible two-some get along so well and having the affection of a beautiful big red feather monster reminds me daily of why!

I have an interest in research and engagement of people in fields that they may not think is for them. I am a strong advocate of professional partnerships and collaborative working and sharing of ideas, best practice and lessons learned and shared to enable the best outcomes for the charity and its birds.

In my spare time I love spending time with my flock, family, art, gardening and exploring new places around the world. Meet the team but reading their Bio’s.



Welfare  Director

 I’m Claire. My got my love of birds from my dad, who has always had birds and is very knowledgeable. We had budgies as I was growing up. My real love started when Mum and I got my dad his dream bird, an African Grey, Billy. I then got my own a few years later. Sadly, she passed away. I then looked into rescuing one, (and now have 4). I have 2 CAG’s and 2 OWA’s. I also have 2 children, who I involve in the birds care so that I can hopefully, pass on my love to them as they grow older. I am so happy to be part of ASP and look forward to this charity thriving.



Info and Rehoming and General Operations 

Hi there, my name is Becky and I run the advice and support side of the rescue, working one to one with birds and their owners. I am also working within rehoming of birds that enter the rescue. I’ve always had a love for all animals and been around birds most of my life, now i own an Amazon, a grey and 2 conures.
I have a real passion for rescue and love to see a success story, helping to give these beautiful birds a second chance in life




Policy, Procedure 


Hello, my name is Debbie.
I have always had a look for animals from an early age I had rabbits and guinea pigs which I used to keep in the bath during the winter and used to drive my mum insane, especially when I got to about 15!
Always grown up with a dog or 2, corn snake, fish, budgies, cockatiels and looked after family members parrots which is where I got my love for these incredible feathered babies. My feathered baby is Sammi an CAG she is totally bonkers, chats her head off and is my soul mate.
For the last 25 years I have been rescuing dogs and been involved in charities volunteering in various roles such as welfare officers, fund raising officer and safe housing which I absolutely love.
I have been involved in Allstar Parrots for about four years, starting out as a welfare officer and then safe housing. My knowledge of parrots has grown extensively and having been involved with Macaws, Amazons, CAGs, TAGs, conures and many more all with completely different personalities.
Allstar Parrots is an amazing charity and I’m very much committed to help more of our feathered friends and finding them forever homes.


Sue – Rescue Operations Manager 

Hi, my name is Sue and I am the Rescue Operations Manager for ASP, I am the first port of call with the phone line, part of my job is to allocate home checks to the relevant welfare officer for that area, we also get calls regarding birds to be picked up so this needs to be done respectfully and again is allocated to the nearest safe house by the relevant welfare officer, I  myself do home checks in my area as it’s another potential home for our feathered babies, I have two beautiful African Grey’s of my own and safehouse any birds in my area,.
Since being a little girl I have always been passionate about animals and to me Rescue is definitely the way forward.


Claire – Fundraising manager

My name is Claire and I’m the new fundraising manager for All Star Parrots.
My love for birds started from a young child and I grew up with them. I’m now owned by an Amazon, 2 African greys and 2 Conures.
I have been a welfare officer for the charity since it was set up and have watched it grow.
I am now managing fundraising and really want to take it to its full potential.
I am enjoying getting to know people on both the general and fundraising pages.
It’s so rewarding to be part of the fundraising team and with all your support and donations we can really make a difference to all the birds in need of veterinary care.
I would like to thank each and every one of you who continue to support this fantastic charity.


 Gracie – Social Media

Hello I’m Gracie, I have a huge love for animals especially birds. I’ve been around birds since I was a child as my two aunties safe house them. We have 3 beautiful African greys and many more including cats and dogs. Being a member of this charity is a very educational experience and Im learning a lot everyday. I hope I can encourage a lot of people to love these animals in the same way I do. My goal is to give these beautiful birds a fresh start in life with all the love they can possibly get and bring recognition to the teams amazing work.





Volunteers who may still have a ID card but are no longer part of the Rescue. Their ID card hasn't been returned or destroyed.

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