0845 388 0584
0845 388 0584


ASP ref: ASP825

Name: Jacky

Species: African Grey parrot

Description: Jacky came to safehouse almost 4 weeks ago. Having been told he was an aggressive aviary bird, it’s become very clear neither are the case. He is approximately 20 years old and has no issues with other birds, has adapted to my crazy home filled with noisy children, tortoises, a chihuahua and a hormonal Amazon and he’s made so much progress. I couldn’t be more proud of my first safehouse baby. He is not a fan of being touched, but he’s very inquisitive and comes down to share tea (from your mug) and whatever human snacks you may have. He has sat on my partner’s lap and yesterday landed on my arm. He chatters away all day with “hello”, “peekaboo”, oi” (particularly when you catch him in a blanket lol) and some unintelligible muttering. He whistles many tunes including laser gun sounds and my kids taught him the Addams family theme and the McDonald’s whistle. He also barks like a dog, growls and belches…typical bloke 🙄. He’s not shown any particular favour to male or female company and will take food from all of us, very gently from my 3 year old daughter and 18 month old grandson. He’s a bit of a pickle with his chop as it seems he’s had a sunflower diet, but he has been trying new things and making good progress. He particularly likes almonds and the fresh parsley I give him out my garden. He gives clear indications if you’re too close and has not shown any deliberate aggressions, but he doesn’t like going to bed at night and that will need some work. He’s not the best flyer either and crash lands, usually into my plants on the windowsill!! With lots of time and patience, he will make a beautiful companion bird. We will be sad to see him leave, but it’s time for Jake to find his people.

 Cage: No

Location: Plymouth

Donation fee: £0 I am Cites

You will need to be a Gold Star Member to adopt any of the parrots from ASP. (Currently £75)

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Please give the ASP for the bird you would like to adopt.

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