0845 388 0584
0845 388 0584


ASP ref: ASP770

Name: Indie & Anna

Species: African Grey Parrots

Description: My name is Indie and I am an African Grey. I’m quite happy being in my cage when I do come out I don’t like to stay out long. I like to be held but I am very clingy. I love having my head rubbed and having cuddles. Once I attach myself to you I don’t like letting go. I’m currently trying to get onto pellets from the seed I was on but I’m not very keen. I’ll try fruit and veg but I would sooner have my seed. I like both males and females. I don’t like it when the hoover comes out though it makes me growl. I don’t bite I just like to hold your fingers and be loved.

My name is Anna and I’m an African grey. I prefer women to men. I like to spend time in my cage if I do come out I don’t stay out long. I will come out if I am encouraged to come out. I have a bell in my cage which I love to ring all day. I am a plucker but that could be down to my diet and lack of interaction. My safe house mum and dad say I am getting better with that though. I’ve always been on a seed diet but will try the pellets I am given. I like to eat my fruit and love dunking them in my water. As a treat I do like a bit of dry toast. I do like to have a bit of a chat when I’m not busy ringing my bell. I’ve not flown yet while I’ve been with my safehouse I’m too busy climbing round my cage and on the floor.



 Cage: Yes

Location: Chesterfield

Donation fee: £0

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