0845 388 0584
0845 388 0584



ASP ref: ASP882

Name:  Zola

Species: Green Cheek Conure

Description: What a little love Zola is! Ideally she would need to be with other conures or on her own. Zola is extremely inquisitive and love to follow you around the house and watch you from a picture frame or a door top. Zola will then start to trust you and land on you when you least expect it and chitter-chatter before exploring again. You can tell Zola is a young baby who love to fly. Zola love the children. She love being able to come and go to her cage as she pleases. Guaranteed to make you belly laugh! Zola love chunky chop, some lean seed and the occasional finger 🙂

 Cage: Yes

Location: Bournemouth BH1 4PG

Donation fee: £75

You will need to be a Gold Star Member to adopt any of the parrots from ASP. (Currently £75)

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If you can offer a home please use the form to get started
Please give the ASP for the bird you would like to adopt.

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