0845 388 0584
0845 388 0584


ASP ref: ASP752

Name: Smokey

Species: African Grey Parrot

Description: Smokey ‘Smokes·
Hi my name is Smokey, I came to live with my SH mummy as unfortunately my new adopters could not care for me after noise complains from the neighbors and other things. had been in my new home for a few days and then found myself coming to my SH in Surrey.
I am 7 years old and I am very sweet. I stepped onto my new SH mummy’s arm the first night and allowed her to give me head rubs which I love. I enjoy time out of my cage and I feel I would benefit really well with a bigger cage as I was plucking in my old one. My previous owner said I did not drink out of a water bowl but that has changed a lot now and I’m drinking just fine like my other feathered friends here. I have stopped plucking and love to move around my large cage and play with all my toys. My SH mummy is spraying me with OptiPlume alongside my showers. Most of all I have gained routine with the other birds and like the companionship of Astra (another Grey) who lives next to me. It was funny meeting him and interacting, now we talk to one another and answer each others calls.  I came from a home as an only bird but I think I’ll be fine around other birds.
I love to get all the attention and head scratches from my SH mummy, I can be a bit cheeky and hormonal but I think that’s normal. I also love to chew!
I would love to interact with Astra out of the cage but he is a boy so my SH mummy says no. I can be a bit spooked meeting new people that come see my SH mummy. I may be a one person only bird but can tolerate others if needed over time. I am okay with kids although they are weary of my beak! You can beak boop me if you want! I enjoy singing and doing the McDonalds whistle and making phone calls along with many other interesting sounds which entertains the whole family. I think my SH mummy is going to miss me but I hope my new home can give me the one on one attention so that I can thrive even more. I am eating Harrisons Pellets now just fine and love a Harrison treat now and then, some days a peanut! I am very alert and interactive and overall a very lovely bird, stuck in circumstances to no fault of my own. I love looking out the window and exploring the flat, I sleep very well at night and wake up at the same time as all the other birds roughly 6am, so I am very capable of adapting to new routines. I am no louder than any other bird here .. oh and I burp!! I hope I can give my new owner the companionship and love and be a best friend for life. 

 Cage: Yes

Location: Surrey

Donation fee: £0 I am Cites

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