0845 388 0584
0845 388 0584


I am in the process of being adopted

ASP ref: ASP458

Name: Ollie

Species: Orange Wing Amazon

Description: Ollie is a very affectionate, funny and cheeky little bird. She is incredibly vocal, saying ” good girl”, “kisses” “what’s the password?”. Ollie loves routine and enjoys nothing more than stuffing her face with homemade chop before bed whilst sitting under the uv lamp. Ollie is fine with children and other birds of all shapes and sizes. She’s also fine with men and women but seems more drawn to women. Ollie’s feather condition is improving brilliantly whilst in safehouse. She loves her baths and basking under a UV lamp. Her new home will need to continue with this, along with a varied healthy diet. The only food I’ve found that she won’t eat, is garden peas.

If you’re looking for a gentle, funny, loving companion then look no further. Words cannot express how sweet Ollie is.

 Cage: No

Location: Durham

Donation fee: £160

You will need to be a Gold Star Member to adopt any of the parrots from ASP. (Currently £80)

Click here for more info

If you can offer a home please use the form to get started
Please give the ASP for the bird you would like to adopt.

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